School Policies

School Policies

Please refer to the banners below for more information regarding school policies at Sa-Hali Secondary.  Please refer to the following School District link to be redirected to the list of School District No. 73 Kamloops/Thompson Policies and Regulations.

 Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Attendance and punctuality are expected on a regular basis as per the Public School Act Regulations. Regular attendance and punctuality are important factors in school success. Parents/guardians are requested to utilize the School Messenger app or Safe Arrival at 1-844-350-2647 if your son or daughter is going to be absent, late or needs to sign out early. More information and instructions are available on our website at


  • Students arriving at school after 8:30am are late. If they arrive before 8:45am they should go directly to class and the teacher will mark them late.  If the student arrives with a note, or it was recorded through Safe Arrival as excused, they should sign in at the office to ensure their late is excused.
  • When a student must leave school during class time, it is required that a parent advise the office before they leave. Students must sign out at the office for appointments and sign in when they return to school. Signing out at the office applies to students who are leaving school at lunch and not returning for the remainder of the day.
  • For long-term absences, contact your student’s counsellor at 250-374-0861 and make arrangements for any missed assignments and work to be emailed or picked up. Students are responsible for making up missed assignments and work when absent.


Planned Absence: (forms are available at the main office)

  1. Planned absence are used for absences of 2 or more days and refers to school field trips including music, sports, cultural, and family events.
  2. The student must present the “Planned Absence” form to the teacher at least 2 days prior to the event. The teacher will advise the student of the work that will be covered during the absence. Planned Absences that are school sponsored are to be handed in completed to their sponsor teacher.  Planned Absences that are family events are to be turned into the office for approval by the administration.
  3. Classroom teachers have the right to refuse permission for school planned events.
  4. Students must accept responsibility for making up the missed work.


Exams and Absence:

  1. Students, who are absent from an exam or other scheduled presentation, project or assignment for reasons that are acceptable under the School Act or Board Policies, should be allowed to make up the exam or be evaluated without penalty.
  2. Students who are absent for social/personal reasons that are not emergencies, and have not been previously approved, may be required to do an alternate assessment other than the scheduled exam or presentation.
  3. Students who are absent as a result of a school or Board suspension will be required to attend school for scheduled exams. Assignments or other obligations that may come due during the suspension should be sent in or dropped off at the school. Teachers are required by the Act to provide an educational program for students who are registered but under suspension. 


 Cell Phone Restrictions

Personal Digital Devices

Sa-Hali has implemented new restrictions on personal digital devices* in alignment with provincial and district recommendations. Research has clearly shown how social media platforms impede student learning, put youth at risk and have negative effects on mental health.  Further, we know that personal digital devices and social media applications have a negative impact on Sa-Hali’s core values - Safety - Community - Accountability.  These restrictions are intended to promote online safety and focused learning environments for our students.


Bell-to-Bell Expectations

  • During class time (from bell-to-bell), personal digital devices will remain in lockers, backpacks/purses, or holders provided by classroom teachers. Phones will be off or in silent mode. 

  • During class time, all school areas, including bathrooms, hallways, and common areas will be designated CELL PHONE FREE.

  • During class time, airpods, headphones or listening devices connected to personal digital devices will not be permitted.


* Personal Digital Devices means any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet or other smart devices. 


Essential Supports - students who are exceptions to these expectations will be identified by our LART, 

Counselors or Administration


In case of emergencies, communication can be handled through the office.

All adults at Sa-Hali Secondary are tasked with maintaining our learning environment and keeping students safe. It is expected that students will adhere to these guidelines and any reasonable requests regarding cell phones, or other digital devices (ie. Please put your phone in the phone holder). Failure to comply with adult requests will be dealt with in a tiered system of progressive discipline. 

  • Progressive interventions by classroom teachers may include individual conversations with students, and communication with parents/guardians via email or phone. 

  • Continued disruptions to the learning environment may result in phones, or other digital devices, being held in the office.

  • Chronic offenders, and students who demonstrate defiance may be referred to administration for follow-up. This may involve a parent/admin conversation to establish individual student plans for success.


As well as promoting online safety and focused learning environments, restrictions on personal digital devices can support Sa-Hali’s Core Values.


At Sa-Hali we value connection as a foundation to build a sense of belonging for all, in order to create an inclusive, positive learning environment.

Restrictions can:

  • Allow for connection through “disconnection”. 

  • Increase opportunities to foster face-to-face interactions and build interpersonal communication skills.

  • Gain of time for other community building activities.


At Sa-Hali we value an environment where physical, psychological and emotional safety are a priority.

Restrictions can:

  • Provide safer classroom and bathroom experiences. 

  • Reduce cyber bullying, photos and videos shared without consent, and sextortion. 

  • Calm the nervous system, lessen the effects of addiction and reduce instances of anxiety and depression for our students. 


At Sa-Hali we care about the impact of our actions on others. We work together for academic excellence, personal growth and a culture of integrity.

Restrictions can:

  • Foster opportunities to teach healthy boundaries with cell phone use. 

  • Allow for better quality work and potential for improvement of grades due to reduced distractions.

  • Promote lateral accountability for teachers and admin working together to implement, model and support phone-free learning environments.


Would you like to learn more about cell phone addiction and its impact on student learning and wellness? 

CBC - Nov 2023 - Social Media Impacts on Teens 

Screenagers resources and links 

E-Mental Health - Unplug and Connect - Keeping Families Strong


 Dress Code Policy

The Student Dress Code recognizes that a student's choice of dress can form an important part of self-identity. Students must not wear clothing which undermines the Districts commitment to a safe and inclusive learning environment. This includes:

  • Clothing that promotes the use of tobacco, illegal drugs or alcohol
  • Clothing that advocates illegal activity
  • Clothing that promotes hatred of a person or persons
  • Clothing that contains profanity, pornography or obscene images

Please see the Student Dress Code link for a more detailed look of School District 73 district student dress code information page.


 Homework Policy

As a general guideline, students are advised to establish a study plan at the beginning of the year. This plan should permit time for both assigned (homework) and review (study work). Following is a guideline:

  1. Grade 8: ½ to 1 hour daily
  2. Grade 9/10: 1½ hours daily
  3. Grade 11/12: 2 to 2 ½ hours daily

The following statements summarize the reasons for the necessity and importance of homework in assisting a student’s educational progress.

  • Homework reinforces material presented in the classroom, supplementing and building on classroom experience.
  • Homework creates readiness for learning by providing background knowledge.
  • Homework provides practice drill in specific skills areas.
  • Homework provides follow up to classroom activities.
  • Homework provides students with activities for individualized learning.
  • Homework is an evaluative tool.

To ensure co-operation between students, teachers and parents in the assignment of homework, the following expectations are to be collectively employed:

Student’s role:
Students are expected to complete homework assignments on time in order to develop self-discipline and time management skills and to enhance their knowledge of each subject.

Teacher’s role:
Teachers will assign meaningful homework that will be promptly evaluated.

Parent’s role: 
Parents are expected to provide students with an environment that promotes good study habits and to enrich the student’s learning through their support and encouragement. Parents have an opportunity to be informed about the materials students are studying by direct contact with the teacher.


Technology Policy

Computer Lab Policy
Students must have a parent/guardian sign an Internet Access Agreement for students to have access to the Internet at school.  Improper use of the computer network will result in the following:

  • Removal of the student computer account.
  • Prohibited from any computer use.
  • Administrative action.

Personal Technology Devices
Students may use personal electronic devices at Sa-Hali Secondary School in the following manner:

  • Cell/Smart Phones – classroom use only with teacher authorization; breaks and lunch acceptable
  • Laptops / Tablets – classroom use only with teacher authorization; breaks and lunch acceptable
  • Audio devices – classroom use only with teacher authorization; breaks and lunch acceptable
  • Cameras (including Smart Phone cameras) – only with authorization
  • Recording devices – only with authorization

Texting or accessing social networking sites is not allowed during classroom instructional time without teacher authorization. All filming on school property and all footage used for school projects must be approved by Administration and / or the Teacher. Consent must be obtained before filming any individual. At no time will the use of any personal electronic device invade or infringe upon the personal privacy or safety of any member of the school community.

While using school/school district servers, students and guests may not assume that usage is private. All content will be available to be viewed for security and safety reasons. Students and guests using information technology within Sa-Hali Secondary School will use all technologies in an appropriate and safe manner. Commercial uses, harassment and bullying are inappropriate and will result in disciplinary actions.

Sa-Hali Secondary School accepts no responsibility for theft or damage that may occur to personal items brought to the school.


 Textbook Deposit Policy #506.4
A learning resources deposit shall be collected from all middle and secondary school students. The deposit is a means of teaching the students a sense of responsibility; and, to control waste through lost or damaged textbooks.
The textbook deposit will be $50.00 per student to a maximum of $100.00 per family. The textbook deposit will be held by the school until the student graduates or withdraws from the school provided that textbooks are returned in a suitable condition at the end of each semester or school year. (For more information please go to the School District #73 webpage Policy #506.4 or call the school).

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