Trades and Transition Programs
Ms. Joanna Douglas, Trades and Transition Coordinator, Sa-Hali Secondary
Click HERE to be redirected to the SD 73 Trades and Transition Website. Explore the possibilities!
Click HERE to view our District Programs of Choice Information Booklet
TNT Events:
Discover Day—Career Explorations
Day in Health Care — February 21, 2025
Rocky Mountaineer — February 27, 2025
Discover days provides grades 10-12 students across the district to explore and experience career areas that they are interested or passionate about. To learn more about each day, click here.
TNT News
Secondary Programs of Choice Information Night - TBA. Discover learning options for high school including NorKam Trades and Transitions program, Hairstylist Program, International Baccalaureate Programme, D.A.T.A. and sports academies.
Students in SD73 have access to so many incredible programs and now is the time to do some planning and prepare applications. We have programs to suit the needs and strengths of just about everyone so don't let the "Trades" title fool you! Below is a small sampling of what is offered. Check out the District Trades & Transitions website here for lots more opportunities:
Digital Arts & Technology Academy (D.A.T.A.) - students spend a semester at Valleyview Secondary immersed in animation, game design and computer science - apply in grade 10 or 11
Hairdressing - spend a year in NorKam's fully accredited hair salon, La Bella Saints, and graduate high school as a level one apprentice - apply in grade 10 or 11
Samplers - students spend a full semester in the NorKam Trades Centre working with TRU instructors, and trying out four different trades. We offer three different samplers, all touching on four different trades - Industrial Sampler, Mechanical Sampler and Construction Sampler
Youth Train in Trades - spend one or two semesters of grade 12 at TRU completing your first year of trade training and SD73 will pay the tuition. Students graduate as level one apprentices in a variety of trades - apply in grade 11
Health Care Assistant/Early Childhood Education - spend grade 12 at TRU completing the HCA program or year one of the ECE program. SD73 will pay your tuition - apply in grade 10 or 11
Police & Justice Studies - a two-year program that will prepare you for the challenges of a career in policing, as well as in corrections, parole, customs, and other government services at the federal, provincial or municipal levels - apply in grade 11
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